September 2016, The Monacelli Press
Available at Amazon.com , Barnes & Noble , Rizzoli , and other local bookstores
Fall in love with New York again through the eyes of Betsy Pinover Schiff, veteran photographer of city gardens. With more than 150 photographs, Sidewalk Gardens of New York reveals the City’s explosion of greenery over the last 15 years that has made New York one of the most richly planted urban centers in America. Featured are gardens and plantings that can be enjoyed by simply strolling the city’s sidewalks— new pocket parks, glorious waterfront gardens, residential plantings, plazas, community gardens, tree beds and medians—all of which offer pedestrians both respite and beauty. Text by Alicia Whitaker; foreword by Adrian Benepe.
”Betsy Pinover Schiff’s unerring eye and spectacular photographs tell the story of a city, and how its pre-Dorothy and Oz, colorless and downtrodden existence has been redone as if by wizardry in glorious Technicolor.”
...Adrian Benepe, former NYC Parks Commissioner
”Sidewalk Gardens of New York (The Monacelli Press) may seem to be an oxymoronic title, but Betsy Pinover Schiff’s lush photographs, coupled with Alicia Whitaker’s text, showcase some of the former barren patches that the longtime parks commissioner Henry J. Stern and his successors, with local green-thumb gurus, converted into Greenstreets miniparks.”
…Sam Roberts, The New York Times
New York Times
September 17, 2016, Sam Roberts on NY books
Town & Country.com
September 13, 2016 with 13 photograph
The Most Beautiful Sidewalk Gardens in New York
WFUV public radio interview
August 24, 2016, Cityscapes with George Bodarky
Unexpected Gardens in NYC
Associated Press, nationally syndicated article
(Baltimore Sun edition shown)
September 14, 2016 by Katherine Roth
Urban Makeover: Steel and concrete meet grass and flowers
New York Cottages and Gardens magazine
September issue, by Alejandro Saralegui with 7 photos
New York Photographer Sees Beauty on Every Corner
September 14, 2016
Required Reading: Sidewalk Gardens of New York
PDN, Photo District News
September 8, 2016
Betsy Pinover Schiff on Getting Her Latest Book Published
New York Social Diary
September 14, 2016, with 20 photographs
The Surrounding Environment
July 21, 2016, with 10 photographs. Hardscaping 101: Tree Beds